College Library
Library plays a vital role in the dissemination of Knowledge and Information in an academic institution. Our College has recognized the importance of the academic vibrations required in the library and has been growing in this direction, right from its very inception.The institution has a well equipped library enriched with 10,000 number of books on different subjects consisting text books, reference books, journals and magazines. The library is computerized and the reading room is attached to it. English and odia news papers, journals and magazines s for students and staff are subscribed by the library. Each Honours Departments has separate room and separate seminar library.
Rules and Regulations Of Library
- No books should be taken out of the library until it has been properly entered in the loan register and the entry attested by the borrower.
- Each borrower must examine the condition of the book before it is issued otherwise in case of alteration discovered later the responsibility will be fixed on the borrower.
- Books should be returned within the period allowed to the borrower.
- The following is the list showing the maximum number of books that may be issued to the various classes of borrower and the time allowed.

Classes of borrowers of Books allowed
Maximum No.: 20 books including of other subjects)
Time allowed: 2 to 3 Months
Principal and Faculty members: PET, Demonstrator & 10 books each
Asst. Librarians: 1 Month
Clerical Staff: 5 books,1 Month. 2 Books, 15 days
Menial Staff: i) +3 Arts(hons) Students ii) +3 Arts (Pass) Students: 2 books, 15Days
- When the date of return of a book falls on an authorised holiday. The books should be returned to the library on the day college opens after the holiday.
- All books belonging to the library and in the possession of borrower should be returned to the library before the college closes for summer vacation on or before the date notified for the purpose.
- Books borrowed from the library should be returned immediately on receipt of a notice from the library authorities.
- Books taken out of the library must be returned to the counter assistant and nobody else.
- No marginal or other notes shall be made in the library books nor shall any pictures are removed or otherwise disfigured. In such cases the borrower may be asked to replace the copy damaged by him. If replacement is not possible, he will have to pay four times the cost of the book.
- A borrower against whom any overdue or other charges are outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow books from the library and shall not be allowed his deposit 11. All those who may happen to be inside the library or in until the library dues are cleared. its neighbourhood are expected to observe silence. All conversations except what is absolutely necessary for the transaction of library business are forbidden inside the library.
- The library premises should not be used for any purpose other than reading or consulting the books and periodicals of the library.
- Spitting smoking sleeping inside the library and placing legs in the furniture are strictly forbidden.
- A book once issued to a borrower may be reissued to his/her only when nobody else wants to take the book.
- Books of reference, maps, calendars, courses of studies questionaries, University questionaries other university documents and note books shall not be issued for use outside the library.
- Members of the teaching staff and other employees of the college may take books from the library on signed and may take books on cards which will be given to them after they are admitted to the college.
- In case of those students who do not return library books within the time, a fine of Rs. 5/- per day per book will be charged for each day of delay up to maximum period of one month. Application for reduction or cancellation of fine will not be entertained.
- For use in the reading room, one book at a time may be issued to every student on a call slip.
- Every students has to pay a fee of Rs. 50/- only annually for maintenance of reading room at the time of admission.
- No student will be allowed to keep library books with him/her during the summer vacation.
- Library card fee Rs.20/- is charged to every student.
- If the students losses his/her library card another duplicate library card will be issued to him on payment of Rs.20/-.
- All the books should be returned before the stock verification of the library.
- If a copy of the series is lost the borrower shall have replaced the copy or he/she is to pay the cost of the entire series at the market price. If the periodical is lost the borrower has to pay for the
- cost of the copy. No Student can enter into the reading room without identity card.
- Periodical of general interest can be issued after 4p.M to the members on the staff for overnight study to be returned by 10 A.M in the next day. Latest issue of the periodicals shall not be taken out of the library. Periodicals relating to special subject and having importance from the research point of view will not be issued out of the library. Back issues and bound volumes of the periodical shall not be issued out of the library.
- Members on the staff borrowing books on subject other than their own shall have to obtain permission from the principal. Such books can be borrowed for a period of 15 days.

The college library is open from 9 A.M- 5 P.M, on all working days and remain closed on public holidays. There are nearly 10000 books in the library in different subjects.
A reading room for student with 50 seats is open from 9 A.M to 8P.M. on all working days & Sundays. There is a separate section for periodicals. The library has preserved the following daily news papers.
- The times of India
- The Sambad
- The Samaj
- The Dharitri
Some departments have their departmental libraries for their Hons Students.